So Here’s My Starting Line!

So here it is, y’all:

Oh, crap!

This is the most I have ever weighed. Ever. I intend to make this the most I ever will weigh, too.

Using one of those handy dandy calculators you can find online, I plugged in my stats and found that at this weight, my height, and my state of being a sedentary li’l sloth I usually burn around 2098 calories per day. Yes, I am doing the keto diet, but I am also going to check my calories, at least for the time being. (Oh, and it’s lazy keto I’m doing – not going to keep track of every molecule of every type of whatever that goes in my mouth! That would drive me nutters.) To start, I will keep my net carbs under 30, then 25, then 20. If they need to be lowered more, I can do that, but if 20 gives me the same results over a few weeks as 25, I may let myself go back up for a bit.

Remember, everyone’s system is different, plus we all change with our environments and activities.

There are some before photos, taken Sunday in the Torrid dressing room. yeah, I think I am keeping those to myself until I have other, better photos to show for comparison!


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