If I Can’t Sit On The Bathroom Floor…

Does that sound odd to you? My bet is if you grew up in Oklahoma (like I did), Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana… any of the states that see a lot of tornadic activity, it’s not going to sound quite as weird to you as it might otherwise.

The year before last, tornado sirens went off in my town. the Weather Channel was telling us to get to our shelter immediately. Living in an apartment community, we don’t have an actual shelter or safe room – the closest thing is the downstairs half bath. Half baths are already a bit dinky, considering they are usually meant for guest use, or to duck in and do one’s business during a commercial break. Ours is no different, but it is situated under the stairs with no window, which makes it about the safest place in the house.

I got the kitties in their carriers, stacked them next to the sink, and went in to sit on the floor – and found it had become a pretty tight squeeze. Thankfully the sirens stopped within thirty minutes so I could unfold myself with more than a little pain.

There isn’t a tornado warning today. Not even a watch, at least not where I live. But I do weigh thirty pounds more than I did then, and that’s not good. I have a terror of tornadoes, and the thought of being too fat to even be in a safer area of the building is stuff my nightmares are made of.

So if I needed even another reason to regain my old body, that’s one huge one right there!

By the way, what brought this on? Me and my insatiable urge to actually watch tornado chases. This one was courtesy an episode I’ve seen a few times already: Tornado Chasers: 2013 Season, Episode 5: “Warning”.


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